30 Connectors of Opinion Words

30 Connectors of Opinion Words

  • I think
  • I believe
  • I feel
  • In my opinion
  • In my view
  • It seems likely
  • It seems to me
  • As far as I know
  • I feel that
  • I would say that
  • As far as I’m concerned
  • If I am not mistaken
  • As I see it
  • I’d say that
  • I’d suggest that
  • What I mean is
  • I figure that
  • From my point of view
  • I’m of the opinion that
  • If you ask me
  • To be honest
  • Honestly I think
  • My point of view is that
  • Well, if you ask me
  • It seems obvious that
  • The main points are
  • The essential point is
  • I agree with
  • Personally, I think
  • The way I see it is