What is the Proper Adjective? Definition and Proper Adjectives Example Sentences

What is the Proper Adjective? Definition, Types and Proper Adjectives Example Sentences

Proper Adjectives

You’ve probably heard of proper nouns, but what about proper adjectives? Proper adjectives are words that take the function of a proper noun and change it to that of an adjective or a word that modifies another noun.

Proper adjectives, like other adjectives, describe (modify) a noun. Proper adjectives are distinguished by the fact that they are produced from proper nouns. This necessitates capitalization. Many appropriate adjectives are created by combining the names of nations (or other specific locations), religions, or personalities.

Here are some examples of proper adjectives:

Proper adjectives have their origins in proper nouns. Shakespearean is a proper adjective since Shakespeare is a proper noun.

  • Shakespeare is a unique author. (It is a proper noun because it is the name of a particular person.)
  • Shakespeare had a distinctive writing style known as Shakespearean. (Shakespearean is a noun, not an adjective. It’s an adjective since it refers to a specific form of writing.)

Consider the case of Korea, which is a proper noun because it is the name of a distinct nation. The word Korean is a proper adjective that refers to nouns that originate in Korea.

  • I visited Korea last year. (Korea is a proper noun)
  • I saw my Korean friend from college when I went to Han River. (Canadian describes friend)


Adjectives That Are Appropriate Are Concise

Adjectives with the suffix “proper” are significantly more particular than adjectives with the suffix “adjective.” They’re frequently used to describe things quickly. Proper adjectives assist writers to convey their message in fewer words than they would if they used a proper noun instead.

  • The Turkish prime minister will visit soon.
  • The prime minister currently in office in Turkey will visit soon.


Another Use for Proper Adjectives

In a metaphorical sense, proper adjectives can also be utilized. Academics frequently employ appropriate adjectives derived from the names of significant philosophers. It’s a useful technique for indicating different ways of thinking and theories.

  • Machiavellian is a term used to characterize someone’s political strategy.
  • Orwellian or Freudian approaches to people and society are possible.


Examples of proper adjectives in sentences:

  • The new Japanese dumplings are the best item on the menu.
  • So much drama took place during the Wings era.
  • Belgium chocolate cookie is very rich in flavor and texture.
  • Christian music makes them feel not so good.
  • The Japanese paper cranes are meant for luck.
  • I love my new British life.
  • The African drums sounded loud in the concert.
  • I dream of a Hawaiian.


  • The Italian opera by Stravinsky is very beautiful.
  • Let’s have a slice of California
  • I am looking forward to the band’s North Asian
  • I am craving some Brazilian
  • I attended Catholic school through 12th grade in Spain.
  • I just love Romanesque
  • My mom says she loves that song because it’s Sinatraesque.