Demonstrative Adjectives Examples, 50 Demonstrative Adjectives Example Sentences

Demonstrative Adjectives Examples, 50 Demonstrative Adjectives Example Sentences

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Demonstrative Adjectives

In English, demonstrative adjectives are words used to indicate an object or something. These words are the singular “this” and “that” and their plural “these” and “those”. From these words, “this” and its plural “these” are used to indicate nearby objects, and “that” and “those” are used to indicate distant objects or to indicate them as demonstrative adjectives.

Some example sentences about Demonstrative Adjectives;

This great pizza is my favorite.

That big dog is mine.

Let’s examine the two examples given below to see the difference between demonstrative adjectives and demonstrative pronouns more clearly.

This is a very intelligent parrot. (The “this” you see in this sentence is the demonstrative pronoun.)

This is a very clever parrot… (The “this” in this sentence is an adjective and we can say that it is a demonstrative adjective because it comes before the noun.)

They shouldn’t use that horrible idea.

This red pen is for you to use.

You can use the gaming PC I gave you.

Applying such cream to your hands can cause an allergenic reaction.

They should use these books while doing their homework.

That large parking lot is used by larger vehicles.

This simulation can be used to improve your aiming ability.

Those big cakes will be used for the wedding.

These clean notebooks can be used for donations.

That day was the worst day of my life.

That pen you bought me as a gift is beautiful.

This was in his bag.

I left that little piece of chocolate for my cousin.

This house is old but solid.

This ship will sail south tomorrow morning.

We bought these candles for our wedding anniversary.