Use Both in a Sentence, How to Use Both with Example Sentences

Use Both in a Sentence, How to Use Both with Example Sentences

1.My boss is both busy right now.

2.Water and oil are both liquids.

3.He is both smart and resourceful.

4.Copper and silver are both metals.

5.Were both of them wearing helmets?

6.Frank and Mary are both indecisive.

7.Keep both feet firmly on the ground.

8.They both hugged each other tightly.

9.You can be both mother and business woman.

10.My mom and my stepdad are both therapists.

11.Michael and Jessica both covered their eyes.

12.Jessica and Frank are both colleagues of mine.

13.They are both tired and hungry after shopping.

14.My colleague and her husband are both American.

15.And we both laughed like loons on loon tablets.

16.The delegations of both countries met in Geneva.

17.Frank excels both academically and athletically.