3 Conditional Sentences in English

3 Conditional Sentences in English

Conditionals Type 0

The sentences in which the expected actions depend on a condition, that is, on something that must be done, happen or happen, are called conditional sentences. In other words, an event cannot occur until the event that is supposed to occur occurs. Conditional clauses appear when there is a condition consisting of two different sentences, one starting with “if” and the other being the main sentence and having a verb of its own. In short, we can say that conditional clauses are formed when combined with the if clause, that is, condition, the main clause, that is, result.

  • If you mix red and white, you get orange.
  • If it snows, the gorund gets icy.
  • If you have works to do, you do not go to bed.
  • If you drink alcohol so much, you have a sickness.

Conditionals Type 1

In order to construct conditional clauses, which are sentences formed with an if clause, the main clause and if clause are needed. Each sentence has its verb and meaning. Since conditionals have more than one type, you should know which tenses to use in these sentences and use these tenses according to the meaning of the sentence.

  • I will buy a house in the game if I have enough game money.
  • Can you write a message to me if you see Alexander?
  • You will pass your exams if you study enough.


Conditionals Type 2

Conditional statements that show a condition and the possible outcome in addition to this condition tell us that the actions that are expected to occur are dependent on a condition. Conditionals Type 2 statements refer to things that don’t happen, or even that is unlikely to happen. In other words, the condition you have stated in these sentences does not express the real situations, it refers to the situations you imagine at that moment. Although the verb used in the main sentence is the verb used in the past tense, Conditional Type 2 sentences are used when talking about the present tense or the present moment.

  • If you were clever, you would understand what I meant.
  • If she were cooking, I would help her.
  • If he could come here, they would show him something that you would like.


Conditionals Type 3

Conditional sentences generally show us the possible outcome of a condition, that is, these sentences are sentences in which the expected actions are dependent on a condition. Conditionals Type 3, on the other hand, is a type of conditional sentence used to describe situations that have happened in the past and are impossible to change anymore. These sentences are usually used to make a serious criticism or express regret.

  • If Eliza had more money, she would have gone to my hometown. / Eliza would have gone to my hometown if she had more money.
  • If I had had breakfast, I would been more successful at my exams. / I would been more successful at my exams if I had had breakfast.


Conditionals Mixed Type

All conditional statements express what will happen as a result of that condition when a condition has happened. While constructing conditional sentences, we use two different sentences, the first of these sentences is the sentence that starts with if and we call the if clause, the other of these sentences is the main sentence. Since each of these two sentences has a unique verb, it is of great importance to know which tense to use in these sentences, to determine the meaning of the sentence, and to use the sentence appropriately.

There are cases where unreal conditional clauses are used in the same sentence, where the tense in the If clause and the tense in the main clause are not the same. These states are generally called Conditionals Mixed Type.

  • If I were rich, I would have invested in some little companies and foreign currency.
  • If Bella were trustful for him, Johnny would have married her.
  • If I had enough money to live in my house, not my dorm, I would not (wouldn’t) have stayed in my dorm.