10 Examples of Common Nouns

10 Examples of Common Nouns

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Common Nouns

A noun is a word that names a person, animal, object, or place. Common nouns are words that name general things or items rather than specific ones. Common nouns can be seen in anything, and all nouns can be classified as common nouns. Common nouns are basic nouns that should be clear.

Common nouns name people, animals, and objects, but you need to know; If you use a common noun, that means you’re not giving a precise indication of what people, what animal, or what object you’re talking about.

Here are 100 Common Noun Examples in Sentences

If you say ‘female’ as a gender noun, that means you are not specific. You are talking about a woman in general, but if you say ‘Jennifer’, the woman becomes special and becomes a proper name. In conclusion, ‘female’ is a common noun because of its generality.

Common nouns are used to express an abstract or concrete concept. As long as it does not make a special meaning, it can be used as desired. Common nouns per sentence usually begin with a capital letter, but common nouns in a sentence must begin with a lowercase letter.









