100 Common Noun Examples in Sentences

100 Common Noun Examples in Sentences

Common Nouns

A noun is a word that names a person, animal, object, or place. Common nouns are words that name general things or items rather than specific ones. Common nouns can be seen in anything, and all nouns can be classified as common nouns. Common nouns are basic nouns that should be clear.

Common nouns name people, animals, and objects, but you need to know; If you use a common noun, that means you’re not giving a precise indication of what people, what animal, or what object you’re talking about.

Here are 100 Common Noun Examples in Sentences

If you say ‘female’ as a gender noun, that means you are not specific. You are talking about a woman in general, but if you say ‘Jennifer’, the woman becomes special and becomes a proper name. In conclusion, ‘female’ is a common noun because of its generality.

Noun Sentences

Nouns are used in place of people, places, animals, and emotions. Noun phrases appear by using nouns in sentences. Noun phrases are frequently used in English. Therefore, if you want to construct sentences correctly in your daily life, you need to pay attention to grammar. The article contains all the details.

  • I have a house in Istanbul.
  • Henry is my uncle’s child.
  • My cat’s name is Hazelnut.
  • That villa is a huge place.

100 Common Noun Examples in Sentences

1.I came home from school yesterday.

2.We will have dinner tonight.

3.I want to buy a new computer.

4.In the evening we watched TV with the children.

5.I want to buy a new car.

6.What is your name?

7.It will snow today.

8.I won’t go to the party though I was invited.

9.While she was walking I was running.

10.He had climbed many mountains when he was a boy.

11.I learned English perfectly because I studied very hard.

12.Many people enjoyed the movie; however, Alex did not.

13.Although the farmer is ready, the ground is still too wet to plow.

14.If the ozone layer collapses, the global community will suffer.

15.Although I’m not very good, I really enjoy playing football.

16.I’d like to see the North Pole, but I will never go where it is that cold!

17.Because he did not know the route well, he drove slowly.

18.Walking through the wood, he saw a fox that was following him.

19.When Uncle Samuel comes to town, we all have a good time.

20.He is such a smart boy that he passes his math exams successfully.

21.I don’t want to throw away my chocolate ice cream, nor do I want to listen to my doctor.

22.The children walked and jumped all over the home.

23.I love chocolate factories and one day I will own a chocolate factory.

24.We had no sooner gone to bed than the phone rang.

25.My mother speaks so quickly that nobody understands what she says.

26.Scarcely had I gone to bed when the doorbell rang.

27.I would rather go out than stay at home today.

28.He must do it, whether he likes it or not.

29.After tells us about order, sequence.

30.Although is used to show two opposite statements.

31.I want to be a computer engineer.

32.He likes to paint by himself.

33.I can run faster than him.

34.I’m not sure about the universe.

35.I lost my watch yesterday.

36.It wasn’t me who knocked on your door.

37.Everything was ready for the party.

38.No one will come after me.

39.She likes to paint by herself.

40.We went fishing after school.

41.You are very lazy.

42.You don’t teach your cat tricks.

43.I would like to help you.

44.I will get myself a coffee.

45.I will not take it from you.

46.He does not goes to gym every day.

47.He is my best friend.

48.I learnt English by myself.

49.Alex isn’t telling the truth.

50.They killed him.

51.You are not an engineer.

52.My mom likes to paint by herself.

53.You will not come with me.

54.I really need someone.

55.This was a threat to us.

56.I told my father that I wanted to go to London.

57.I can’t come home early today.

58.Brasil is not a country in Europe.

59.She learned to read by herself.

60.These are for you.

61.I want to do something.

62.You should go take it from him.

63.They speak English in USA.

64.I love you.

65.She cook for you.

66.The dogs belong to them.

67.We borrowed her car.

68.I have not failed.

69.She is a mechanical engineer.

70.I will take it from you.

71.My father wouldn’t let us buy a new computer.

72.They are the smartest kids here.

73.We don’t have a house.

74.I have got a sister.

75.I lost my wallet last week.

76.Today we will come.

77.I will help you.

78.No one attended the parent meeting.

79.I don’t take the trash out.

80.Some people won’t eat spicy foods.

81.I bought a new house.

82.This is mine dog.

83.Mary hasn’t cooked some cookies.

84.I play volleyball.

85.You are lazy students.

86.My father will not come with us today.

87.They live near here.

88.My father didn’t go to work in the morning.

89.It wasn’t me knocking on your door.

90.They sleep in the afternoon.

91.We don’t work very hard.

92.You are an engineer.

93.This was not a threat to us.

94.I came to see you yesterday.

95.You should take care of yourself.

96.It bites everyone.

97.I don’t play tennis every day.

98.I love dogs.

99.She is not my best friend.

100.I bought a new computer.