Noun Pronoun Verb Adverb Adjective Preposition Conjunction Interjection

Noun Pronoun Verb Adverb Adjective Preposition Conjunction Interjection


The words or groups of words that come out of the mouth with the effect of various emotions that appear suddenly and enable to explain the said emotion more effectively are called interjections.

Interjections can consist of words that describe emotions such as “joy, enthusiasm, surprise, fear, anger, sadness, pity” that appear out of nowhere, as well as words that have meanings such as “order, call, address, wish, threat” and words that reflect the sounds of nature.

Despite the fact that interjections are one of the conventional components of speech, they are not related to the sentence from a grammatical standpoint. The use of interjections is quite widespread in spoken English, but they can also be found in written English. Knowing the many types of interjections, and also how to punctuate them, can assist you in effectively employing them.


Nouns, which are responsible for expressing a person, place, thing, or any idea, are the elements that make up the subject, direct objects, or indirectly mentioned objects in a sentence. Nouns in sentences can refer to living things like a famous person or cat, places like beaches or cities, things like a telephone or a president, and ideas like socialism or communism.

Common nouns refer to general things such as parks or seas, while proper nouns refer to one specific and one thing. As an example of proper names, we can say, New York, there is only one New York in the world that we know. Nouns, which can be described as plural or singular according to their number, can be categorized as countable plural nouns and uncountable plural nouns according to their usage in their plural form.

What is Noun? Types of Nouns, Definition and Example Sentences


Adverbs, verbs, or predicates that you often come across in sentences in English characterize the situation, tense, or few-many. Some adverbs are the same as adjectives, and some words need to be added to the end to make them adverbs.

Types of Adverbs

  • Conjunctive adverbs
  • Adverbs of frequency
  • Adverbs of time
  • Adverbs of manner
  • Adverbs of degree
  • Adverbs of place

What is Adverb? Types of Adverbs and Examples


Adjectives that change a noun or a noun phrase in English add new meanings to the word they change and help the word gain a more special meaning by changing the meaning of that word. Adjectives that you must use to describe anything in English are a grammar subject that anyone who wants to learn English must know.


They are used with prepositions, pronouns, and noun phrases to show directions, places, times or to introduce an object. These prepositions, which take place in all kinds of sentences that you can see in daily life, bring together different sentences and connect them to a certain idea.

Although prepositions are generally short words, it is not possible to generalize as they are quite common in the English language and there are about one hundred and fifty.

Here are most common Prepositions List.


Conjunctions, a group of words like but, because, or, so, although, and though, are words used to bring other words and phrases together. Even though these words have no meaning on their own and their only meaning is in sentences, it would not be possible for us to construct complex or long sentences without conjunctions. Since it is not aesthetic to constantly make short sentences, art could not develop sufficiently.

Types of Conjunctions

  • Coordinating Conjunctions
  • Subordinating Conjunctions
  • Correlative Conjunctions
  • Conjunctive Adverbs