Use in addition in a Sentence, How to Use in addition with Example Sentences

Use in addition in a Sentence, How to Use in addition with Example Sentences

1.In addition to a thick fog, there was a heavy swell.

2.Samuel writes short stories, In addition, he writes articles for a newspaper.

3.She is saying she is going to take us, in addition to all the things she has done.

4.In addition to all the things you have done for me, you have also talked to my mom. How can I repay you?

5.I cannot come with you, I have to go to work. In addition, there is someone I need to see at 2 p.m., sorry.

6.I am sure that she wants to talk to you. In addition, there is an instinct in me that she is going to propose to you.

7.You are really sad right now. In addition, the people around you frustrated you. Do not have a decision right now, please.