5 Examples of Compound Sentences in English

5 Examples of Compound Sentences in English

Compound sentences consist of at least two independent clauses. These coordinated sentences consisting of independent clauses can sometimes be difficult to construct. Compound sentences, which are the most established sentence types in English, can be formed with conjunctions. In addition, examples of compound sentences that can be combined with semicolons are included in the text. You can access the details about compound sentences by examining the article.

Example Sentences

1.He wouldn’t cheat in exams because he knew he would be caught.

2.I have to go to school every day, but there is no vehicle to take me to school.

3.I am aware that I have gained weight, but I also knew that I wanted to eat more.

4.They arrived at the hotel early and immediately went to rest.

5.They had no food left at home, and they had no money to go to the grocery store.