Modal Auxiliary Verbs Can, Definition and Example Sentences

Modal Auxiliary Verbs Can, Definition and Example Sentences

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Auxiliary Verb

Auxiliary verbs, which are seen as the building blocks of the sentence and which must be in every sentence, are one of the subjects that must be learned while learning English. If you want to make a sentence negative, if you want to turn that sentence into a question, or if you want to correct the time of the sentence, you can use auxiliary verbs. All auxiliary verbs in English complement main verbs, but auxiliary verbs do not have any meaning if used alone, they are completely meaningless.


  • can speak three languages
  • She can play the piano.


  • Can you hand me the pencil?
  • Can I go to the park?


  • Can I help you?
  • can send this letter for you.

Not allowed

  • You can not drive fast.
  • You can not smoke here.


  • Smoking can cause cancer.
  • It can get very hot there these days.


  • Can I borrow your notebook?
  • Can I speak to Mary?