8 Parts of Speech, Definition and Examples

8 Parts of Speech, Definition and Examples

Parts of Speech

If you want to form a sentence in English or speak in English, you need to learn this grammar subject very well, which are parts of speech. The parts of this speech, consisting of noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction and exclamation, show the meaning of the word in the sentence.


1. Noun

Although nouns, which are a type of word used to describe a person, place, thing or an idea, are usually used with an article, this rule is not always valid. Sometimes these nouns that start with a capital letter can be singular, plural, concrete, abstract, countable or uncountable.

For example: Cat, dog, pencil, New York, Alexander, Emma, ​​England, crowd, community, apple, donut.


2. Pronoun

Pronoun, a word that can be used in place of a noun, is often used in place of a single noun. Pronouns can describe persons, property, another pronoun, a clause, or a noun, depending on their type.

For example: Me, you, us, them, him, her, it, my, your, our, their, his, her, it, mine, yours, ours, theirs, his, hers, its, myself, ourselves, thmeselves, himself, himself, himself, I, you, we, they, he, she it.


3. Verb

The verbs in the sentence are the elements that are responsible for expressing an action or situation. Although there must be a verb in a sentence, there may or may not be more than one auxiliary verb in addition to this verb.

For example: be, burn, complete, sing, burry, come, go.


4. Adjective

Adjectives, which are words used to change a noun or pronoun, mostly answer the questions of which and how many and make a noun different by qualifying it.

For example: enormous, doglike, silly, yellow, fun, fast, many, few, millions, eleven.


5. Adverb

Adverbs are items that are tasked with changing a verb, an adjective or another adverb. Although they can change the elements of the sentence, adverbs have no meaning on their own. Adverbs often end with the suffix -ly, but it is possible that some of them do not.

For example: always, usually, never, rarely, generally, hardly yesr, fast, slowly, truly, low, just, late.


6. Preposition

Prepositions placed before a noun or pronoun to form a sentence that requires replacing a word in the sentence are always part of a prepositional phrase that functions as an adjective or adverb.

For example: on, at, in, onto, into, with, wthout, of, off, by, unlike, next to, near, behind, beyond, beside, over.


7. Conjunction

Conjunctions, which are responsible for combining words, sentences or clauses, and which indicate the relationship between the elements after this combination, are very important elements for sentences in English.

For example: although, expect for, in order that, in order to, likewise, on account of, still, even though, whereas, likewise, even if, even so, because, despite, as soon as, in case, though.


8. Exclamation

Exclamations, which are used to express an emotion and usually end with an exclamation point, indicate sudden emotions.

For example: Ah! Ahem! Blast! Boo! Congrats! Ahh! Eh! Hmm! Jezz! Aww! Oops! Whoa! Phew! yeah! Yoo-hoo! Zing!