4 Capitalization Rules and Expression

4 Capitalization Rules and Expression

Capitalize Days, Months, and Holidays, But Not Seasons

The names of days, months, and holidays are proper nouns should be capitalized.


  • Our wedding anniversary is in June.


The names of seasons are not proper nouns, so there’s no need to capitalize them.


  • Having a summer wedding is the best.


Capitalize Names and Other Proper Nouns

It should be always capitalized people’s names.


  • My favorite author is Albert Camus.


Names are proper nouns. Cities, countries, companies, religions, and political parties are also proper nouns, so they should not be capitalized too.


  • They are Christian and they’re happy with their religion.


Don’t Capitalize After a Colon (Usually)

Generally, you don’t need to capitalize after a colon.


  • She has a passion: cycling.


When the words following the colon form one or more complete sentences it should be capitalized.


  • There is a true information: Water boils a hundred degrees.


Capitalize Time Periods and Events (Sometimes)

Specific and historical events that have proper names should be capitalized.


  • In the Middle Ages, Ottomans were immigrated.


However, centuries and the numbers before them are not capitalized.


  • In the seventeenth century is the best century.