20 examples of collective nouns

20 examples of collective nouns

Collective Nouns

Collective nouns are words that are used to mention a group of people, animals, or objects. Examples of these names are provided in the next section. Nouns in English are classified into three primary categories based on their number: single, plural, and collective nouns. Singular nouns are the smallest of the three categories. For example, the word “table” is single, but the term “tables” is multiple in this context. Nouns belonging to a community, on the other hand, have a single structure but a plural meaning.

For example, the term “A Group” is used to refer to a group of people rather than a single individual, despite the fact that it does not include a plural suffix. Even though singular words are given the plural suffix, they are not considered community nouns in the traditional sense. For example, when we say “books” or “computers,” even though we are referring to more than one item, these terms are regarded as plural nouns, rather than collective nouns, since they refer to more than one object.

  • I’ve been missing my “family” since I went to England, and it’s a terrible feeling.
  • The physical education instructor instructs the pupils to form a “pair” line.
  • Our “convoy” has arrived and is ready to go.
  • I dedicate my achievement to the whole “community” in which we live.

20 examples of collective nouns

1.Pack of Cards
2.a ream of paper
3.a reel of film
4.a set of clubs
5.a sheaf of grain
6.a stack of wood
7.a string of pearls
8.a wad of notes
9.a pack of cards
10.a packet of letters
11.a pair of shoes
12.a heap of rubbish
13.a hedge of bushes
14.a library of books
15.an outfit of clothes
16.a pack of thieves
17.a pack of cards
18.a packet of letters
19.a pair of shoes
20.a quiver of arrows