Names for Groups of Animals

Names for Groups of Animals

Lapwings: a deceit
Larks: an exaltation
Partridge: a covey
Peafowl: an ostentation or muster
Penguins: a colony, muster, parcel or rookery
Pheasant: a nest, nide (a brood), nye or bouquet
Plovers: a congregation or wing (in flight)
Ptarmigans: a covey
Rooks: a building
Quail: a bevy or covey
Ravens: an unkindness
Snipe: a walk or wisp
Starlings: a murmuration
Storks: a mustering
Swans: a bevy
Teal: a spring
Turkeys: a rafter or gang
Woodcocks: a fall
Woodpeckers: a descent
Cobras: a quiver
Crocodiles: a bask
Frogs: an army
Toads: a knot
Turtles: a bale or nest
Salamanders: a maelstrom

Donkeys: a pace
Elephants: a parade
Elk: a gang
Ferrets: a business
Fox: a leash, skulk or earth
Giraffes: a tower
Goats: a tribe or trip
Gorillas: a band
Hippopotamuses: a bloat or thunder
Hyenas: a cackle
Jaguars: a shadow
Kangaroos: a troop or mob
Lemurs: a conspiracy
Leopards: a leap
Whales: a pod, gam or herd
Crows: a murder or horde
Dotterel: a trip
Doves: a dule or pitying (specific to turtle doves)
Ducks: a brace, team, flock (in flight)
Eagles: a convocation
Finches: a charm
Flamingos: a stand
Geese: a flock
Grouse: a pack
Hawks: a cast
Herons: a sedge or siege

Clams: a bed
Cockroaches: an intrusion
Flies: a business
Grasshoppers: a cloud
Lions: a pride or sawt
Martens: a richness
Moles: a labor
Monkeys: a troop or barrel
Mules: a pack, span or barren
Jellyfish: a bloom, fluther or smack
Lobsters: a risk
Oysters: a bed
Snails: a hood
Squid: an audience
Apes: a shrewdness
Badgers: a cete
Otters: a romp
Rhinoceroses: a crash
Squirrels: a dray or scurry
Tigers: an ambush or streak
Bats: a cauldron
Bears: a sloth or sleuth
Bitterns: a sedge
Buzzards: a wake