8 Types of Compound Adjectives and Example Sentences
Number+ noun: four-minute, one-way, ten-page, two-hour etc.
- We are responsible for a ten-pageassignment.
Adjective+ noun: long-term, high-quality, last-minute etc.
- This week we covered long-termmemory in learning psychology.
Adjective + present participle: easy-going, good-looking, slow-moving etc.
- She is the most easy-going child in school.
Noun + present participle: english-speaking, time-saving, record-breaking etc.
- This is an English-speakingcountry. Other languages are spoken more rarely.
Noun + adjective: smoke- free, ice- cold, gluten- free, family- friendly etc.
- The cafe on the main street is a smoking-freevenue.
Noun + past participle: water-cooled, middle-age, wind-powered etc.
- All of the breads made in this oven are gluten-free.
Adverb+ past participle: well-known, highly-respected etc.
- The man who is performing today is a well-knownperson.
Adjective+ past participle: long- forgotten, short-lived, ready-made etc.
- Butterflies are short-livedanimals.