Sentences Adverbs, Adverbs Sentences Definition and Examples

Sentences Adverbs, Adverbs Sentences Definition and Examples

Adverbs In Sentences

Adverbs may be perplexing to authors since they serve a variety of purposes in the English language. Examining examples of adverbs and adverb phrases will assist you in recognizing and efficiently employing this component of speech. You may add more description, describe an action, or amplify the meaning of another word with a couple of adverbs at your side.


Spotting an Adverb

Adverbs change the meaning of verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. They can enhance or alter the meaning of a word. Looking for words that finish in “-ly” is a wonderful approach to spot adverbs.

  • Abruptly: I thought the movie that we watched online together ended
  • Beautifully: My living room design is enhanced by the beautifully painted scenery.
  • Delicately: Grandma’s crystal vase is a valuable antique that should be treated delicately.
  • Delightfully: Her ensemble reflected her delightfully eccentric nature.
  • Truthfully: She answered the police officer’s inquiries truthfully.
  • Quickly: Finish the food shopping quickly so that we may be for the party on time.


Adverbs Tell How It Happened

Because they explain how something was done, adverbs belong to the descriptive language group.

  • Cheerfully: Ashly cheerfully greeted me each morning.
  • Randomly: I love to randomly share interesting photos and memories with my friends and family.
  • Weirdly: She dances weirdly at the wedding, but her quirky personality is what we love the most.
  • Uneasily: Janet sighed uneasily, knowing that the sky was a sign of the scary storm.


Adverbs Tell Where It Happened

The location of the activity is described by certain adverbs.

  • Downstairs: The public theatre often holds meetings downstairs.
  • Everywhere: My father looked everywhere for his missing phone and his missing car key.
  • Here: He will plant his garden
  • Outside: The children and their puppies love to play


Adverbs Tell When It Happened

The following are some examples of adverbs that describe when something happened:

  • First: When I bake with you, I make cake
  • Later: We will stop by later to see how they are doing.
  • Never: My little brother never wants to go to the cinema with me.
  • Tomorrow: Tomorrow, we are going to the hospital to visit her best friend.
  • Today: I have lots of things to finish and start today.


Adverbs Tell the Extent of the Action

Adverbs can also be used to express the scope of a task, such as:

  • Almost: I almost stopped at Burger King for lunch, but I was running late.
  • Only: I only take the bus to work on Mondays and Fridays because of the terrible traffic.
  • Quite: His teacher was quite pleased to see my son’s progress in school this semester.
  • Too: The library is too loud in here for me to concentrate and study for the finals right now.


Adverbs Are Intensifiers

Adverbs can also be used to emphasize the meaning of the word they modify. It accomplishes this by emphasizing or deemphasizing the word, amplifying, or deemphasizing the word’s meaning, or toning down the phrase’s emotional impact.

  • We simply don’t understand anything.
  • My sister completely rejected his boyfriend’s proposal.
  • He totally gets her.