Words Prefixed with MIS
Prefixes, consisting of syllables or syllables added to the beginning of a word or the root of a word, to change the meaning of another word, enable English-speaking people to create new words and make these newly created words easy to understand. Learning these prefixes, which make English quite colorful and somewhat complex, helps you learn new words. For this reason, you should learn these prefixes and the meanings they add to the sentence.
- misaccount
- misacknowledge
- misact
- misactivated
- misactivation
- misadapt
- misadd
- misaddress
- misadjust
- misadjustment
- misadministration
- misadventure
- misadvertence
- misaffect
- misaffected
- misaffection
- misaffirm
- misaim
- misalign
- misalignment
- misallegation
- misallege
- misalliance
- misallied
- misallocate
- misallocation
- misallotted
- misally
- misalphabetized
- misamplification
- misanalysis
- misanalyze
- misandry
- misanneal
- misannotated
- misannotation
- misanswer
- misanthropy
- misappraise
- misappreciate
- misappreciation
- misappreciative
- misapprehend
- misapprehension
- misapprehensive
- misappropriate
- misappropriation
- misarrange
- misarticulation
- misascribe
- misascription
- misask
- misasked
- misassemble
- misassembly
- misassign
- misassignment
- misassociate
- misassociation
- misattribute
- misattribution
- misattune
- misattunement
- misavise
- misaward
- misbalance
- misbear
- misbeat
- misbecome
- misbede
- misbefall
- misbefitting
- misbegot
- misbegotten
- misbegun
- misbehave
- misbehavior
- misbehaviour
- misbehavioural
- misbelief
- misbelieve
- misbeseem
- misbid
- misbidding
- misbill
- misbind
- misbirth
- misbisection
- misborn
- misbrand
- miscalculate
- miscalculation
- miscalibrate
- miscalibration
- miscall
- miscapitalisation
- miscapitalise
- miscapitalization
- miscapitalize
- mischaracterize
- mischarge
- mischoice
- miscite
- misclaim
- misclass
- misclassification
- misclassify
- miscleavage
- miscleave
- misclick
- misclosure
- misclustered
- misclustering
- miscode
- miscoded
- miscodify
- miscognition
- miscognizant
- miscognize
- miscoined
- miscollocation
- miscolor
- miscoloration
- miscolored
- miscolour
- miscome
- miscomfort
- miscommunicate
- miscommunication
- miscommunicative
- miscompartmentalization
- miscomprehend
- miscomprehension
- miscomputation
- miscompute
- misconceit
- misconceive
- misconception
- misconcern
- misconclusion
- misconjecture
- misconjugate
- misconjugation
- misconnect
- misconnection
- misconsecrate
- misconsequence
- misconster
- misconstruct
- misconstruction
- misconstrue
- miscontent
- miscontinuance
- miscontrol
- misconverge
- misconvergence
- misconversion
- misconvert
- misconvey
- miscook
- miscoordinated
- miscoordination
- miscopy
- miscorrect
- miscorrection
- miscorrelate
- miscorrelation
- miscost
- miscounsel
- miscount
- miscoverage
- miscreate
- miscreation
- miscreative
- miscreator
- miscredent
- miscredit
- miscredulity
- miscreed
- miscrop
- misdate
- misdeal
- misdecide
- misdecision
- misdeclaration
- misdeclare
- misdeed
- misdeem
- misdefend
- misdefense
- misdefine
- misdefinition
- misdeliver
- misdelivery
- misdemean
- misdemeanor
- misderive
- misdescribe
- misdescription
- misdescriptive
- misdesert
- misdesign
- misdetection
- misdetermination
- misdetermine
- misdevelop
- misdevelopment
- misdevote
- misdevotion
- Misdiagnose
- misdiagnosis
- misdiagnostic
- misdial
- misdiet
- misdight
- misdirect
- misdirection
- misdirective
- misdiscover
- misdispense
- misdisposition
- misdistinguish
- misdistribute
- misdistribution
- misdivide
- misdivision
- misdo
- misdoom
- misdoubt
- misdraw
- misdread
- misdrive
- misdrop
- miseased
- miseat
- miseating
- misedit
- misedition
- miseducate
- miseducation
- miseducative
- misemphasis
- misemphasize
- misemploy
- misemployment
- misencode
- misencounter
- misenter
- misentreat
- misentry
- miserection
- misestimate
- misestimation
- misevaluate
- misevaluation
- misevent
- misexecution
- misexplain
- misexplanation
- misexplication
- misexposition
- misexpound
- misexpress
- misfare
- misfashion
- misfeature
- misfeatured
- misfeed
- misfeel
- misfeeling
- misgauge
- misgender
- misget
- misgo
- misgotten
- misgovern
- misgovernance
- misgovernaunce
- misgovernment
- misgrace
- misgracious
- misgrade
- misgraft
- misgreet
- misground
- misgroup
- misgrow
- misgrowth
- misgrudge
- misguggle
- misguess
- mishappen
- mishappiness
- mishappy
- mishave
- mishear
- misheed
- mis-history
- mishit
- mishold
- misinform
- misinformant
- misinformation
- misinformative
- misinheritance
- misinput
- misinserted
- misinsertion
- misinspiration
- misinspire
- misinstruct
- misinstruction
- misintegrated
- misintelligence
- misintend
- misintended
- misintention
- misinterpret
- misinterpretation
- misinvest
- misinvestment
- misinvoice
- misken
- miskey
- mislactation
- misland
- mislay
- mislead
- mislearn
- mislie
- misligation
- mislight
- mislike
- mislikeness
- mislineation
- mislink
- mislinkage
- mislippen
- mislist
- mislive
- misliving
- misload
- mislocalisation
- mislocalise
- mislocalised
- mislocalization
- mislocution
- mislodge
- mislodged
- mislook
- mislore
- mismanage
- mismanagement
- mismannered
- mismanners
- mismap
- mismark
- mismarket
- mismarriage
- mismarry