450 Regular Verbs List in English

Regular Verbs
It is necessary to learn the second and third forms of verbs to use the past and perfect tense types, which are used quite frequently in English, correctly. Although it is necessary to memorize all irregular verbs, you do not need to memorize such regular verbs. You only need to know the rules of regular verb formation to arrange all regular verbs in English in the past tense or perfect tense.
How to Form a Regular Verb
If you aim to describe events or situations that happened in the past, you need to use the past tense or the perfect tense. However, since the verbs in these tenses have to be the second and third forms of the verb, you should learn the rules of arranging these verbs. Suffixes for regular verbs are -d, -ed, and -ied, but you cannot place these suffixes randomly. Here are the rules on how to place these attachments:
- If the verb you want to change into its second form ends in a consonant, it takes the -ed suffix. For example:
added, afforded, alerted, annoyed, allowed, answered, arrested, attacked, avoided, blessed, boiled, booked, borrowed, bushed, called, collected, complained, concerned, connected, contained, decayed, delivered, depended, destroyed, embarrassed, ended, entertained, explained, failed, feared, floated, flowed, followed, hammered, hunted, interested, interrupted, joined, jumped, knocked,
- accept
- add
- admire
- admit
- advise
- afford
- agree
- alert
- allow
- amuse
- analyze
- announce
- annoy
- answer
- apologies
- bake
- balance
- ban
- bang
- bare
- bat
- bathe
- battle
- beam
- beg
- behave
- belong
- bless
- blind
- blink
- blot
- blush
- boast
- boil
- bomb
- book
- bore
- borrow
- bounce
- bow
- box
- brake
- brake
- branch
- breathe
- bruise
- brush
- bubble
- bump
- burn
- bury
- calculate
- call
- camp
- care
- carry
- carve
- cause
- challenge
- change
- charge
- chase
- cheat
- check
- cheer
- chew
- choke
- chop
- claim
- clap
- clean
- clear
- clip
- close
- coach
- coil
- collect
- colour
- comb
- command
- communicate
- compare
- compete
- complain
- complete
- concentrate
- concern
- confess
- confuse
- connect
- consider
- consist
- contain
- continue
- copy
- correct
- cough
- count
- cover
- crack
- crash
- crawl
- cross
- crush
- cry
- cure
- curl
- curve
- cycle
- dam
- damage
- dance
- dare
- decay
- deceive
- decide
- deliver
- depend
- describe
- desert
- deserve
- destroy
- detect
- disapprove
- disarm
- discover
- dislike
- divide
- double
- doubt
- dress
- drip
- drop
- drown
- drum
- dry
- decorate
- delay
- delight
- develop
- disagree
- disappear
- drag
- drain
- dream
- dust
- earn
- educate
- embarrass
- employ

- empty
- encourage
- end
- enjoy
- enter
- entertain
- escape
- examine
- excite
- excuse
- exercise
- exist
- expand
- expect
- explain
- explode
- extend
- face
- fade
- fail
- fancy
- fasten
- fax
- fear
- fence
- fetch
- file
- fill
- film
- fire
- fit
- flash
- force
- form
- found
- frame
- frighten
- fry
- knot
- label
- land
- last
- learn
- level
- license
- lighten
- like
- list
- load
- lock
- long
- laugh
- launch
- lick
- lie
- listen
- live
- look
- love
- man
- manage
- march
- mark
- marry
- match
- mate
- matter
- measure
- meddle
- melt
- memorize
- mend
- mess up
- milk
- mine
- miss
- mix
- moan
- mourn
- move
- mug
- multiply
- murder
- nail
- name
- need
- nest
- nod
- note
- notice
- number
- obey
- object
- observe
- obtain
- occur
- offend
- offer
- open
- order
- overflow
- owe
- own
- pack
- paddle
- paint
- park
- part
- pass
- paste
- pat
- pause
- peck
- pedal
- peel
- peep
- perform
- permit
- phone
- pick
- pinch
- pine
- place
- plan
- plant
- play
- please
- plug
- point
- poke
- polish
- pop
- possess
- post
- pour
- practice
- pray
- preach
- precede
- prefer
- prepare
- present
- preserve
- press
- pretend
- prevent
- prick
- print
- produce
- program

- promise
- protect
- provide
- pull
- pump
- punch
- puncture
- punish
- push
- question
- queue
- race
- radiate
- rain
- raise
- reach
- realize
- receive
- recognize
- record
- reduce
- reflect
- refuse
- regret
- reign
- reject
- rejoice
- relax
- release
- rely
- remain
- remember
- remind
- remove
- repair
- repeat
- replace
- reply
- report
- reproduce
- request
- rescue
- retire
- return
- rhyme
- rinse
- risk
- rob
- rock
- roll
- rot
- rub
- ruin
- rule
- rush
- sack
- sail
- shiver
- shock
- soothe
- sound
- stop
- store
- satisfy
- save
- saw
- scare
- scatter
- scold
- scorch
- scrape
- scratch
- scream
- screw
- scribble
- scrub
- seal
- search
- separate
- serve
- settle
- shade
- share
- shave
- shelter
- shop
- shrug
- sigh
- sign
- signal
- sin
- sip
- ski
- skip
- slap
- slip
- slow
- smash
- smell
- smile
- smoke
- snatch
- sneeze
- sniff
- snore
- snow
- soak
- spare
- spark
- sparkle
- spell
- spill
- spoil
- spot
- spray
- sprout
- squash
- squeak
- squeal
- squeeze
- stain
- stamp
- stare
- start
- stay
- steer
- step
- stir
- stitch
- strap
- strengthen
- stretch
- strip
- stroke
- stuff
- subtract
- succeed
- suck
- suffer
- suggest
- suit
- supply
- support
- suppose
- surprise
- surround
- suspect
- suspend
- switch
- talk