Transformation of Sentences Types and Example Sentences

Transformation of Sentences Types and Example Sentences

Transformation of Sentences

There are three types of Transformation of sentences. Those are:

  • Simple Sentences
  • Complex Sentences and
  • Compound Sentences

What is Clause?

There will be a subject and a predicate as a set of words in the phrase, but it will not be regarded as a complete sentence. There are two sorts of clauses. Those are:

1. Independent Clause:

  • There is a subject and a predicate in this sentence.
  • independent clause can be used as a standalone sentence or as part of a multi-clause sentence
  • employs conjunctions such as – or, for, nor, so, yet, and but…


Example: We visited Agra, but we did not go to the Taj Mahal.


2. Dependent Clause:

  • that has a subject and a predicate
  • cannot be used as a sentence
  • always be a part of a sentence, on which it depends for meaning.


A dependent clause is of three types: Adjective Clause, Adverb Clause, and Noun Clause.

  1. Adjective Clause (Relative Clause):

An adjective clause, also known as a relative clause, is a clause that precedes a noun or pronoun to change or modify it, such as who, which, that, where, when, whose, whom, whoever, and so on.


This is a resort that we saw on the TV.

The Lady who was our tour guide is an American.

  1. Adverb Clause or Adverbial Clause:

An adverbial clause or subordinate clause is a type of dependent clause that starts with subordinating conjunctions like – because, although, when, if, until, as if, etc.


The drunk guy spent the night on the road.

They wanted to go to the Nice.

  1. Noun Clause:

When a clause serves as the complement in a sentence, it is referred to as a noun clause. It begins with the same terms as adjective clauses, for example, that, who, when, which, where, whether, why, and how.


What we saw at the Spiderman: No Way Home movie was amazing.


Simple Sentence:

When in a sentence that has one independent clause it is called a simple sentence.

Example: She confessed her illegal act.


Complex Sentence:

A complicated sentence consists of one main clause and one or more subordinate clauses.

Example: She confessed that she was guilty of her illegal act.

Compound Sentence:

A compound sentence is when there are many major clauses in a sentence.


Example: I went to watch a movie named Maze Runner, but the movie was already houseful.

Transforming Simple Sentences into Complex Sentences:

It is simple to convert simple sentences to complex sentences. This may be accomplished simply by turning a word or phrase into a clause. In addition, we can use the same method to convert Complex Sentences to Simple Sentences. This may be accomplished by converting a sentence into a word or phrase.


Here are some examples:

Simple Sentence: Closing the door, I went back to school.

Complex Sentence: When I closed the door, I went back to school.


Simple Sentence: After winning a beauty contest she cried a lot.

Complex Sentence: As she won the beauty contest, she cried a lot.


Simple Sentence: She is too weak to carry the box.

Complex Sentence: She is so weak that he cannot carry the box.


Simple sentence: She eats to live.

Complex Sentence: She eats so that she can live.