What is Demonstrative Pronoun? Demonstrative Pronouns Words and Example Sentences

What is Demonstrative Pronoun? Demonstrative Pronouns Words and Example Sentences

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Demonstrative Pronouns

In daily life, we use demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative adjectives to indicate a person, an object, or something. The demonstrative pronouns are “This, that, these, and those” and we make use of them.

This: These are the pronouns we use to show something singular that is near us.

That: Pronouns that we use to show something singular that is far away.

These: This is the plural form of the pronoun and they are the pronouns we use to show the plural things that are near us.

Those: That is the plural form of the pronoun and they are the pronouns we use to show the plural things that are far away.



  • My house is in this red building.
  • Karen’s car is the blue sports car in the parking lot.
  • If you want to graduate, you have to pass this exam.
  • These jewelry items are quite expensive and ostentatious.
  • That bracelet is my mother’s, and the wristwatch next to it is my aunt’s.
  • This is a very good book, but we could write better.
  • So you read Tolstoy’s book, I read that book too, but I couldn’t finish it.
  • Those books are my old books, I plan to give them free to people who need them.
  • This is my neighbor Richard, he is a very kind person.


  • The computer over there is of very good quality, but my budget is not enough to buy that computer.
  • This fountain pen must belong to Beth.
  • Jerry wants to buy these apples, but these apples are not for sale. We have to tell that to Jerry.
  • Jessica is a very charming and beautiful girl, I met her in the cafeteria over there.
  • Miss Mary, is this dress yours?
  • Hey, do you see that guy waiting at the door? We have to let this man in.
  • I don’t want to read this book because I don’t like thrillers. But I can read the detective books over there because they’re gripping.
  • Could this be my sister Lara’s cell phone?
  • I think our teacher Jonathan told us about these things,
  • The thorns of the red roses over there were not cleaned, I just got a thorn in my hand trying to pick them up.


  • This may be quite welcome in some cultures, but I don’t like it.
  • Bob, when you come over, can you bring me those strawberries over there?
  • My cell phone is out of charge, if it’s your charger over there, do you mind if I use it for an hour?
  • These wines are quite special.
  • The building over there was heavily damaged by the tsunami after the earthquake.
  • It feels great to be at the foot of this mountain.
  • Tonight is going to be a big night, everyone has been waiting for this moment.
  • You should put that book in your bag, that way you can read it during your train journey.
  • If you want to be a hardworking student, you should read this book and study.
  • If things had gone as we expected, I could have owned this same sports car.