
What is Preposition? Types of Prepositions, Definition and Example Sentences

What is Preposition? Types of Prepositions, Definition and Example Sentences


They are used with prepositions, pronouns, and noun phrases to show directions, places, times or to introduce an object. These prepositions, which take place in all kinds of sentences that you can see in daily life, bring together different sentences and connect them to a certain idea.

Although prepositions are generally short words, it is not possible to generalize as they are quite common in the English language and there are about one hundred and fifty.

Here are most common Prepositions List.

Types of Prepositions

It is possible to examine prepositions under two different sub-headings, according to places and time.

Prepositions by Location

In: This preposition is usually used for things like a room, building, street, book, paper. In addition to this use, public transport, pictures, and the world can be given as examples. For example: “I live in America.”

At: You can use this preposition when you are next to an object, sitting in a chair, for an activity, for a place where you are doing something. For example: “We made a plan to meet you at Starbucks.”

On: Use this preposition for when you are on an object, for your home garden, for something else connected to one thing, for public transport and media. For example: “We live in the flat just above you, so we are neighbors.” or “I saw what you’re talking about on Instagram.”

By, Next to, Beside: You can use these prepositions when you are to the right or left of an object or a person. For example: “My house is right next to the bank, so I can withdraw money easily.”

Over: Use this preposition for an object that is covered by something and when you mean more than what you describe. For example: “If you have a fever, don’t put a quilt over yourself.”

To: You can use this preposition for any movement you make to a person, building, place, or city. For example: “I’m planning to go to Japan for summer vacation this year.”

Into: This preposition is used when entering a room or building. For example: “After going up the stairs, turn left, after you turn left you will see the bathroom, go into the bathroom.

From: Used to describe where you bought something or where something came from. For example: “I bought this dress from an online store.”


Prepositions by Time

On: You can use On for the days of the week. For example: “On Saturdays.”

In: You can use this preposition for months, seasons, any time of the day, any year, after a certain time interval. For example: “In 1989, in thirty minutes.”

At: Used to talk about the night and a certain point in time. For example: “At a quarter past eleven.”

Since: It is used to express the time from a point in the past to the present. For example: “I have not smoked since 2002.”

For: It is used to indicate the time from the past to the present. For example: “I have not smoked for 20 years.”

Ago: Used to talk about a time in the past. For example: “The last time I smoked was 20 years ago.”

Before: Used before a predetermined date. For example: “I was planning to quit smoking before 2002.”


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