
120 Opposite Words List in English

120 Opposite Words List in English

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Opposites (antonyms) are words that contain contradictory characteristics, that is, words that are opposed to one another in terms of meaning. Everyone should be taught how to appropriately use words that have antonyms. It is vital in tests as well as in everyday life, in terms of utilizing the language appropriately and successfully expressing oneself in a variety of situations.

Antonyms are only words that have meanings that are opposed to each other; for example, the negative connotation of a word with a positive meaning cannot be considered an antonym. For example, the phrase “not descending,” which is the negative meaning of the word descend, cannot be considered an antonym. The opposite of the descend is the word ascend. Along with that not every word has an opposite.

If you wish to express yourself with more delicacy or precision in your language choices, you’ll need antonyms. The following are some of the reasons why comprehending this principle is critical.

To Expand Your Vocabulary

Antonyms will help expand a person’s vocabulary. It is possible to get a more acute grasp of a word by comprehending its opposite – or precisely what the phrase does not represent – rather than by understanding the word itself.

above belove
add subtract
all none
alone together
always back
before after
begin end
big little
cold hot
cool warm
dark light
difficult easy
dry wet
early late
east west
empty full
enter exit
even odd
fact fiction
first last
get give
he she
high low
inside outside
know guess
leave stay
left right
lock unlock
loud quiet
most least
near far
north south
on off
open close
over under
part whole
private public
push pull
question answer
raise lower
right wrong
sad happy
safe dangerous
same different
sit stand
sweet sour
there here
thick thin
throw catch
tie untie
true false
up down
vertical horizontal
wide narrow
win lose
young old
zip unzip
absent present
accident intent
accomplishment failure

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