
What is Proper Noun? Definition and Example Sentences

What is Proper Noun? Definition and Example Sentences

Proper Nouns

Proper nouns, a customized word for a person, a place, or an organization, are completely specific to that person, place, or thing. You should know that your name is also special because there is only one of you who has that name. Without further ado, let’s take a look at the special rules for proper nouns in English.


Proper Nouns and Capitalization

Regardless, the first letter of a proper noun should always be capitalized, so you should start typing a proper name with a capital letter. There is no exception to this situation, so it doesn’t matter whether the proper name belongs to a person, a month, a company, or a place.

She says she hasn’t loved Alexander since she met him. (If proper nouns were not capitalized, this sentence would be written as “She says she hasn’t loved alexander since she met him.”)

While there are no exceptions to this rule in a grammatically written article, sometimes people ignore this important rule and ignore it to create their own special and modern look. While this is often seen in advertisements and logos, there are also texts where some writers don’t care about this rule. However, you should write proper names in capital letters to reach correct spelling and not make any mistakes.


Proper Nouns and The Usage Case

We never use The article in people’s names, surnames, or full names. In addition, although we do not normally use The article in the name of a company, we cannot ignore this article when some companies use names containing The article.

Since Warner Brothers do not use The in its name, we cannot say The Warner Brothers when talking about this company. However, The Post Publishing Public Co., Ltd is a company that uses The article in its name, so we have to say The article in that company’s name. In other words, we need to treat The article in company names as a noun.

We cannot put The at the beginning of the names with the name of the founder and the suffix -‘s or -s. You won’t hear it called The McDonald’s anywhere, it’s McDonald’s.

Nor can we use The for the names of places or places that have a special name. All usages like The Paris, The England, The Asia are wrong. The correct use of these is Paris, England, and Asia. However, if the name of a country has suffixes such as States, Kingdom, and Republic, we have to use The when talking about that country. So we cannot say United States or United Kingdom, we have to say The United States and The United Kingdom.

If nouns come after statuses such as president, doctor, gentleman, it would be a great grammatical error to put The article before these phrases. However, if no name is used, you can add the article to the beginning of the profession or status. The Captain Kirk and captain are wrong usages, the correct usages of these usages are Captain Kirk and the captain.


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