Commonly Used Idioms and Meaning

- Ball is in your court: It is up to you to make the next decision or step
- Blinddate: A date where the two people have never met before
- Getalongwith: To have a good relationship with someone
- Down-To-Earth: sensible and realistic
- Curiosity killed the cat:Being too curious can get you into trouble
- 9 Elvis has left the building: The show has come to an end It’s all over
- 2 Last straw: The final problem in a series of problems
- Joined at the hip: to be exceptionally close to someone
- Elbow grease: hard physical effort
- Forty winks: a short nap
- Upforgrabs: Available for anyone
- Splithairs: Argue or worry about small details
- KickTheBucket: Die
- Oddball: a weirdo or a strange person
- Knee Jerk Reaction: A quick and automatic response
- Hang in there: Don’t give up
- Pull yourself together: Calm down
- So far so good: Things are going well so far
- Roundthebend: Crazy, insane
- Seeeyeto eye: To concur, agree
- Breakaleg: Good luck
- Ballisin your court: It is up to you to make the next decision or step
- Inthedoghouse: To have some unhappy with you