
10 idiomatic expressions with meaning and examples

10 idiomatic expressions with meaning and examples

Idioms About Weather

Come rain or shine Whatever happens
On cloud nine Very happy
Brainstorm To generate many ideas quickly
Take sth by storm to overwhelm or s.thing by becoming famous quickly
Stealing my thunder Making people pay attention to you
A cold day in July Something that will never happen
Take a rain check Decline an invitation but maybe you will accept it another time
A ray of sunshine Something that brings happiness to someone
Once in a blue moon Very rarely

Idioms About Color

Red tape

Official or bureaucratic tasks


To be yellow

To be cowardly


To see red

To be very angry


Black out



Black and blue

Describe something that is badly bruised


Golden opportunity

The perfect chance


Have the blues

Be sad or depressed


Black sheep

A person who is a disgrace to a family or group

Idioms About Human Body

All ears

Fully listening


Keep an eye on

Take care of, watch in order to protect


Joined at the hip

To be exceptionally close to someone


Pat on the back

Recognition or a thank-you


See eye to eye



On the nose

Precisely, at an exact time


A sight for sore eyes

Someone that you’re pleased to see


Cost an arm and a leg

Be very expensive

Pick his brain

You should pick Mary’s brain sometime; she knows all about math.


Be common knowledge

It’s common knowledge that she is a beautiful girl.


As far as anyone knows

As far as anyone knows, this is the last of the great herds of buffalo.


Knowledge is power

In this situation, knowledge is power.


Idioms About SCHOOL

As easy as ABC

Very easy


Cover a lot of ground

Complete a lot of material in a class


Eager beaver

Someone who works hard and is very enthusiastic



Someone who copies the work of another person



Someone who reads a lot


Brainstorm something

To think of new ideas


Skip class

To not go to school when you should


Teacher’s pet

The teacher’s favorite student


Idioms About Knowledge

Two heads are better than one

My son, don’t forget; Two heads are better than one


Learn the ropes

It didn’t take her new assistant long to learn the ropes.


Doing your homework

You can’t play game any more until you do your homework!


Under one’s belt

She has almost a year as minister under her belt.


Pick his brain

You should pick Mary’s brain sometime; she knows all about math.


Be common knowledge

It’s common knowledge that she is a beautiful girl.


As far as anyone knows

As far as anyone knows, this is the last of the great herds of buffalo.


Knowledge is power

In this situation, knowledge is power.


American Idioms

About time: An idiom that describes the upcoming and even passing time.

Example: About time to buy a new house and car.

Easy-going: It means tolerant, easy to understand and naive.

Example: Arya is easy-going person I have ever seen. He is never happy and upset for any event.

Enough is enough: This statement means that it should not be enough and more. It is generally said when a certain situation is sufficient.

Example: You just eat enough is enough. If you eat more, you will gain excess weight.

Money talks: In a case, it means a statement stating that the money has more money.

Example: Money talks from this football game.


Idioms About Heart

Have a heart Be merciful
Have you heart set on something To want something very much
Eat your heart out We say this when we make someone jealous
In a heartbeat Very quickly withous any hesitation
A heart of stone No feelings
Lose one’s heart to Fall in love
Cross my heart Tell the truth
Heart and soul Completely; entirely
Wears heart on his sleeve Always lets feeling be known
Broken heart To lose love
Know by heart Memorize

Medical and Health Idioms

As fit as a fiddle To be heathy and physically fit
At death’s door Very near death
As pale as a ghost Extremely pale
Bitter pill to swallow An unpleasant fact that one must accept
Get a charley horse To develop a cramp in the arm or the leg
Have one foot in the grave To be near death
Run in the family To be a common family characteristic
Under the weather Not feeling well
Sick and tired of Extremely annoyed by something that occurs repeatedly
Go under the knife Undergo surgery

Idioms About Family

Accident Of Birth

Luck in something due to family good fortune

One big happy family

A group of people who live or work together or in close proximity

Family man

A man devoted to taking care of his wife and children

Spitting Image

Have a strong resemblance, often familiar

My Old Man, My Old Lady

My spouse

Pop the Question

Propose marriage

Up the Duff


Like Taking Candy from a Baby

Very easy


Idioms About Friendship

strike up a friendship
to become friends

to see eye to eye with someone
to agree with someone

Friends in high places
has friends who have important or influential positions

to know someone inside out
to know someone very well

to build bridges
to promote friendly relations between people or groups

like two peas in a pod
very similar

to be as thick as thieves
to be very close or friendly

to bury the hatchet
to end a conflict

to clear the air
to defuse the tension

a shoulder to cry on
someone who listens to your problems


Idioms About Money

To cut your losses

To stop doing something for avoid loosing money

To make a killing

To earn a lot of money

As sound as a dollar

Very secure and dependable


Selling something for cash only and with no delivery

Get a run for one’s money

to receive a challenge, to receive what one deserves

Money talks

Rich people can get what they want

Be made of money

If you are made of money, you are rich man

Banner Year

A year marked by strong successes

Money to burn

Extra money to spend however one likes


IdiomsIdioms About Sports

Come Out Swinging

Respond to something very aggressively

Ball’s in Your Court

It’s your turn to make an offer or decision

Take the Gloves off

Negotiate in a more aggressive way

Play ball

Cooperate, agree to participate

Hit the Ground Running

To begin a job or project with no learning period needed

Heavy Hitter

A powerful, influential person

Against The Run Of Play

Atypical of the way a game has been going

Ballpark figure

A rough estimate

Throw in the Towel

To give up, admit defeat


Idioms About Animals

Loaded for bear

Prepared for problems, well prepared for a challenge

Flew the coop

Escape, left

Get someone’s goat

To irritate someone deeply

Fat cat

A highly placed, well-paid executive

Hold your horses

Wait and be patient

Cash cow

A good way to make money

Cat nap

A short sleep

Get the lion’s share

Get the greatest percentage

Kill two birds with one stone

Get two things done at once


Idioms About Fruits

Cool as a cucumber

Calm even in difficult or frustrating situations

The apple of someone’s eye

At the present moment; for now

As red as a cherry

Very red

To go bananas

To go crazy

Go pear-shaped

To fail; to go wrong

Second banana

A person in a subservient position

The cherry on the cake

The final thing that makes something perfect

A bite at the cherry

An opportunity to achieve something

A plum job

An easy, pleasant job that also pays well

Peaches and cream

A situation that has no trouble or problems


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