
50 Sentences of Active and Passive Voice

50 Sentences of Active and Passive Voice

Active Voice

In the verb, which is one of the most important grammatical topics in English, the roof appears in two different forms as the active voice and the passive voice. It is impossible for us to tell you what the active voice is without telling you what the passive voice is. Let’s take a look at two different examples that we have given below:

Benjamin greeted his friend Alice, whom he had not seen for years, at the airport.

Alice was greeted at the airport by her friend Benjamin, whom she had not met for years.

When we take a look at these two sentence examples, we see that both sentences have a different sequence and meaning from each other. Although what is described in the two sentences is that Alice is waiting at the airport by Benjamin, the two sentences are told from completely different perspectives. At first glance, you may not have understood what is different, what is different is the subjects. The subject in the first sentence is Benjamin, while the subject in the second sentence is Alice. While Active Voice is used in the first sentence, Passive Voice is used in the second sentence.

Passive Voice

The roof of the verb, which is one of the most common mistakes in English, is a grammar subject consisting of two sub-titles, the passive voice, and the active voice. In the sentences containing the active voice, it is known whom the subject acting as the predicate is, while in the passive voice it is not known who the subject is, you cannot reach the information of whom the subject is based on the verb. In addition, inactive voice sentences the action is affected by the subject, while in passive voice sentences the subject is affected by the action. Let’s reinforce the subject by examining the examples we have given below together:

  • I accidentally broke my mom’s favorite vase. (The person who broke the vase can be understood when the question “who?” is asked to the verb.)
  • My mom’s favorite vase was accidentally broken by me. (Here, when you ask the verb “who?” you will not get an answer. This sentence is a passive voice sentence.)

Here are Active and Passive Voice Examples and Answers

Tense Active Passive
Present simple Reporters write news reports News reports are written by reporters
Present continuous Michael is baking a brownie A brownie is being baked by  Michael.
Past simple The company hired new workers last year. New workers were hired by the company last year.
Past continuous The salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the store. The customer was being helped by the salesman when the thief came into the sotre.
Present perfect They have already discussed the book. The book has already been discussed.
Past perfect He had delivered the letters. The letters had been delivered.
Future simple The company will hire new workers. New workers will be hired by the company.
Infinitive She has to deliver the letters. The letters have to be delivered.
Modals She must deliver the letters. The letters must be delivered.

Active and Passive Voice Example Sentences

Passive Voice

  • After the assignment was finished by him, it was quickly checked and uploaded to the system. Therefore, it is thought by his friends that a high grade will be given to him by the teacher.

Active Voice

  • If you want to use the TV smoothly after repairing it, you should periodically maintain it and contact the technical support team if you have a problem.

Passive Voice

  • In order for the television to be used without any problems after it is repaired, it should be periodically maintained and the technical support team should be contacted in case of a problem.

Active Voice

  • Did they tell you that we were talking to him?

Passive Voice

  • Have you been told that we are talking to him?

Active Voice

  • I pay the bills every month and after this process you do not thank me in any way. Such behavior is breaking me.

Passive Voice

  • I don’t think the responsibilities given to me are easy, so I have a discussion with you, but I am still expected to be understanding and patient with me.

Active Voice

  • You are now saying that all of the things I have done in this workplace are useless, but I see that you are using all the projects I have done.

Passive Voice

  • Right now, it is said by you that all of the things I do in this workplace are useless, but it seems that all the projects I do are being used by you.

Active Voice

  • Drinking coffee is something that many professionals recommend because it makes it possible to study in a more energetic and concentrated way thanks to coffee. This is exactly what we all need.

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