Adverb Examples Sentences, Adverb Sentences in English

- You always want to play games or get attention from me while I’m studying or busy at work.
- I usually eat popcorns for a snack before my dinner.
- I normally go to work on foot.
- I frequently watch TV series.
- I sometimes read a book.
- Stop it, you are eating quickly.
- They are talking loudly when they know they are disturbing others.
- When will you call me to meet me?
- How long have you been drinking coffee? I thought you were just coming!
- How often do you come to this bookstore? I’ve never seen you before!
- When did the exam start?
- When will you start reading?
- How long have you started studying? I thought we would start together when I arrived.
- Where do you usually prefer to spend the winter months?
- Where were you spending time?
- Where is the most popular soup place here?
- I occasionally drink alcohol because I care about my health.
- I seldom drink cola and soda.
- I hardly ever smoke, I smoke only if I drink alcohol.
- I never drink vodka, it tastes bad for me.
- When will you go on this trip?
- Where were you? I really waited for you! How much do I have to pay?
- How much is this book? I want to pay the fee immediately.
- How many of these glasses are there? I want to buy them all.
- How can you complete these activities so quickly?
- How did you get this far on foot? Congratulations!
- How do you drive the car? I have been having a hard time lately.
- How was your holiday so good?
- The man will definitely get the job done extremely quickly, so rest assured.
- The story would definitely end in the simplest way, Alice said, so we trusted you.