65 Chat Abbreviations List

- AFAIK: As far as I Know
- AFK: Away from Keyboard
- ASL: Age/Sex/Location
- ATM: At the moment
- b/c: Because
- b/w: Between
- b4: Before
- BBIAB: Be back in a bit
- BBL: Be back later
- BFF: Best friend forever
- BRB: Be right back
- BTW: By the way
- CTN: Can’t talk now
- CYE: Check your email
- dI: Download
- ETA: Estimated time of arrival
- FWIW: For what it’s worth
- FYI: For your information
- GG: Good game
- GJ: Good job
- GL: Good luck
- gr8: Great
- GTG: Got to go
- GMV: Got my vote
- HTH: Hope this helps
- hw: Homework
- IAC: In any case
- IC: I see
- IDK: I don’t know
- IIRC: If I remember correctly
- IKR: I know, right?
- IM: Instant message
- IMO: In my opinion
- IMHO: In my humble opinion
- IRL: In real life
- J/K: Just kidding
- K: Ok
- L8: Late
- LMK: Let me know
- LOL: Laughing out loud
- MMB: Message me back
- msg: Message
- NC: No comment
- noob: Newbie
- NP: no problem
- NTN: No thanks needed
- OMG: Oh my God
- OMW: On my way
- OT: Off topic
- PC: Personel computer
- pls: Please
- POS: Parent over shoulder
- ppl: People
- qt: Cutie
- re: Regarding
- Sry: Sorry
- TC: Take care
- thx: Thanks
- TTFN: Talk to you later
- txt: Text
- TY: Thank you
- w/e: Whatever
- W8: Wait
- XOXO: Hugs and kisses
- Y: Why
- YOLO: You only live once
- YNt: Why not
- YW: You’re welcome
- ZZZ: Sleeping