Use Scared in a Sentence, How to Use Scared with Example Sentences
1.You were scared, weren’t you?
2.Why are people scared of Steve?
3.I know how scared you must’ve been.
4.He was very scared when he saw the mice.
5.When they found the boy, he was very scared.
6.I could be honest with you if I wasn’t scared.
7.I was a little scared as the Trip of goats walked fast.
8.We were very scared when we saw the crowd at the school.
9.Scared is what you’re feeling. Brave is what you’re doing.
10.Maybe everybody in the whole damn world is scared of each other.
11.If you don’t know, the thing to do is not to get scared, but to learn.
12.While I was in my room, the sound of gunfire from outside scared me.