Dependent Clauses and Independent Clauses Examples in English

Dependent Clauses and Independent Clauses Examples in English

Dependent Clauses

What Is a Dependent Clause?

A dependent clause is a set of words that includes both a subject and a verb. It is not a sentence and cannot stand alone since it does not communicate a complete notion. Adverb clauses, adjective clauses, and noun clauses are examples of these clauses.


Adverb Clauses

Adverb clauses begin with subordinating conjunctions and modify verbs. Here are some instances of adverb clauses that are dependent clauses:

  • When the teacher arrives
  • Because I can’t wait for the movie
  • As if she knew what was going to happen in five minutes
  • Then her brother can
  • If you can work at weekends
  • Until the sun sets
  • While snows continue to drop
  • Whenever her cousin comes to visit
  • Since we don’t have enough money to pay off loan debts
  • Unless you find the correct answer
  • No matter how she looks at it
  • How she got elected
  • Before the coffee gets cold

Adjective Clauses

Adjective clauses modify nouns and are normally preceded by a relative pronoun and, on rare occasions, subordinating conjunction. Here are some instances of adjective clause dependent clauses:

  • That I sold them
  • Which is located in Turkey
  • Who is intelligent
  • Whom we met after the concert
  • Whose writing is always fascinating
  • When the leaves turn red and brown colors and start to fall

Noun Clauses

Noun clauses refer to a specific person, place, object, or concept. It can be a subject, object, subject complement, object complement, or appositive since it functions as a noun. Here are some instances of noun clause dependent clauses:


  • Why he say that
  • Whomever he likes
  • How these students would get there
  • Who let the dog out of the house
  • What they anticipated
  • Whatever makes her happy
  • That the students are listening
  • Whatever you can drive that far
  • If the skirt is on sale

Dependent Clauses Example Sentences

  • What the boy did was not very useful for her.
  • My lovely cousin finished his novel, after months of research.
  • The trophy goes to whoever wins fairly at the race.
  • While you were sleeping, our puppy knocked over the table.
  • A helium nucleus has two protons, whereas hydrogen has only one.
  • Where is the meat that was in the freezer?
  • After Sarah sneezed all over the pizza patties, no one wanted to eat.
  • The town where I was born is on the west coast.
  • I cannot figure out why they said that.
  • We will do anything whatever is necessary.
  • The author, whom I met at the book signing, is dead.
  • You may play outside until the streetlights come on and I called your name.
  • The puppy that we found belongs to the Whites.
  • Whenever I go to South Korea, I will visit Han River.
  • Since no one else volunteered, the job is yours.


Independent Clauses

 What Is an Independent Clause?

A set of words known as an independent clause has both a subject and a predicate. It expresses a whole notion and may be used as a sentence on its own. It can also be used with additional dependent or independent clauses to form a more complicated and fascinating phrase.


Here are some examples of independent clauses:

  • I never miss my sister’s talk shows.
  • I enjoy sitting by the Han River and listening to music.
  • Waiting for my brother to get out of the dentist.
  • She wants to travel the world and see the seven wonders of the world with me and my cousin.
  • Our world, moon, Jupiter, and the other planets revolve around the sun. professor always comes to class late to be fully prepared for his students.
  • Cheetahs are the fastest land animals in the world.
  • Swimming and playing basketball are my favorite summertime activities.
  • It is very important to brush your teeth three times a day.
  • We can hardly wait to see our favorite artist.
  • The brand-new Korean restaurant is beautifully and cultivated decorated.
  • Emily decided to buy a skirt instead of a jacket.
  • Our neighbor Mr. Smith teaches linear algebra and probability at my sister’s college.
  • The squirrels are busy collecting nuts for the winter season.
  • I like to play American flag football.
  • Amelia and Jake could not decide if they wanted to elope or have a big wedding in Chicago.
  • The Alps in Switzerland are amazing.


Here are some examples about independent clauses with coordinating conjunction:

  • The beach is a lot of fun, yet the mountains are the best.
  • A group of us went to play bowling, and we agreed that it was enjoyable.
  • I went to the store to shopping, but I forgot to bring my wallet and shopping list.
  • His cousin went to the store, and she went on all the rides.
  • I wanted iced caramel macchiato, but the café only served ice americano.
  • My daughter had just two adorable dresses, so she needed to get matching shoes and bags.
  • Today is Saturday, and the test is on Monday.
  • My father interviewed for three jobs, but he wants to work here.
  • I wanted to play the game with you, but my mom is sending me to get my little brother to school.
  • We all looked very tired after the match, for we had run a lot in the field.


Here are examples of two independent clauses joined in a sentence by a semicolon:

  • I went to the Language Course today; I took an Italian course.
  • Leo brought the main dish; Sasha brought the drinks.
  • My little brother refuses to go to bed early; he is afraid he will fail tomorrow’s exam.
  • She is going to the cabin; she intends to stay there all week.
  • I was very happy; I had sushi and San Sebastian cheesecake.
  • Some authors prefer to use a word processor; the others like me write using pen and notebook.